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Day 7 writing prompt:  My About page for the future.  Write the About page for your blog in 10 years.

Oh, future planning how do I love thee?  Spending my time away from there here and now to pontificate the ‘what-if’s’ and possibilities!  What could my life look like and have I held myself accountable?

Let’s start by taking a gander at my current About page and then see (below) what the future holds.

Future About Page

  1. Happily retired living a “lifetime of Saturdays”.
  2. Author of a children’s book or two.
  3. Joyfully watching my 17 and 20 year old children excel in school, gymnastics and life.
  4. Enjoying my spare time traveling the globe with my husband, visiting all of our bucket-list locations.
  5. Skiing in the winter, beach-bumming in the summer
  6. Instructing yoga while periodically in giving public health seminars.
  7. Spending summer evenings by the fire strumming away on my Yamaha guitar.
  8. Living a healthy-stress free life.
  9. Tending to a garden and accumulating fresh food throughout the growing season.
  10. Simply…living…

How about you…what does your 10 vision look like?
